how to earn money from amazon affiliate marketing

All About Amazon Affiliate

 So hello friends today we are going to learn about the amazon affiliate program.

How to Create Amazon Affiliate Account ?

What is Amazon Affiliate

Amazon Affiliate Program is a program run by Amazon that allows you to sell products by generating your own unique link by which you can make  a good amount of money from home.

To make a affiliate marketing account do Amazon charge any fees ?

No any charges will be taken by you it is completely free.

If you have a Blog, Website, YouTube Channel, Facebook page, Instagram page, or a group, you want to make more money by showing Amazon Affiliate Ads. So for that you need to join Amazon Affiliate Account and how to create your Amazon Affiliate Account on it? I'm going to tell you next.

1) First you have to visit Amazon Affiliate on this Website.

2) Then you have to click on Join Now For Free.

3) Now you have to enter your name, Email Id and Password and click create Your Amazon Account.

4) Now you will have an OTP on your Mail and click on Create Your Amazon Account by entering the OTP here.

5) Then you have to fill in your Account Information and click on Next.

6) Then you have to enter your Website, Youtube or Apps Link.

7) Then you have to Profile Complete .

Complete Profile

What is your preferred Associates Store ID:- Keep the name of your Account in it.

What are your websites or mobile apps about:- you have to write something about your Website or App.

Which of the following topics best describes your websites or mobile apps:- Below this you have two boxes in which you have to select your website or apps or whatever links you have in which category you have.

What type of Amazon item do you intend to list on your websites or mobile apps:- This means what type of Amazon item you want to show on your Website or App. You can select all you want.

What type are your websites or mobile apps:- Select what you've given you the link you have.

Traffic and Monetization:- Read carefully what to write to [here].

How do you drive traffic to your website:- This means that whatever traffic comes to your website or whatever link you have given. Where do you bring that traffic? You have to select the options below.

How do you utilise your websites and apps to generate incom:- Whatever link you have, you earn income from what and where. Click on whatever line it has to select about it.

How do you usually build links:- How do you want to use Amazon's Ads Code. In this you select manually via text editor.

How many total unique visitors do your websites and apps get per month:- Select how many view you have in 1 month on any link you have.

Here you have to select the To Monetize my site because we want to make a earning here.

How did you hear about us:- Here you have to select online search.

Captcha :- Now you have to fill Captcha.

Terms and conditions :- Terms and Conditions will see a small box in front of it, you have to do it. Then you have to click on Finish.

Is it safe to link bank account number to Amazon affiliate program?

Ans :
Yes it is 100% Safe to link bank account number to amazon affiliate program.

Now you have to click on fill Payment Details.

As soon as you click on Now, you will be asked to sign in and you have to give password for that. Then you have to give your Mobile Number on which you created Amazon Affiliate Account.

Please click on Send OTP after giving mobile number. Now you have to write the Otp you have received in box and click ok.

Now you have to click on the Circle that is appearing in front of pay me by NEFT.

Then you have to write here to fill in your Payment Details.

Bank Location:- Whichever County you join amozon Account will see you Automatic.

Bank Currency:- Whatever currency your County has, it's visible.

Bank Account Holder Name:- You need to type here the name that is written in your Bank Account.

Bank Account Number:- Here you have to write your Bank Account Number.

Confirm Bank Account Number:- Rewrite whatever Bank Account Number you have typed.

Bank Name:- Now you have to type the name of which bank your Bank is in.

IFC Code:- Now you have to type your Bank's IFC Code.

This way your Payment Details will be complete. Finally, you have to click on submit and Continue with Tax Information written.

"Congratulation" is ready for your Amazon Affiliate Account. Now you can earn money from here. But for that you have to create your Amazom Product Link. So let's know how to create a Link.

How to check my Amazon account is affiliated or not affiliated?

amazon affiliate

Go to 

and check a strip on the top as shown in the above image
If you have strip in your account then "Congratulation" you have amazon affiliate account.

Will you get money only if your Amazon affiliate link is shared by the linked number?

Yes, you get paid even if you send link without your linked number .but you can't use your own account to purchase product from your own affiliate link.

Do Amazon affiliate pay commission for promoting Apple laptops?

yes, you can promote Apple laptops but notice one thing you will get low commission
than other brand laptops .

Can we share the catalog link in Amazon affiliate instead of single product?

yes, you can share the catalog link as well as you can share homepage link of Amazon Affiliate  instead of single product

Go to

Select your catalog or catagory 

at the top you find amazon affiliate strip
click on get link option an unique like will be genrate.

now you can share this link anywhere you want.

What happens if you leave your Amazon affiliate account for an year does it get inactive permanently?

you have to complete your profile again .all your earnings will reset to Rs.0 .

Is Review blog site better or online store for Amazon affiliate?

Yes, Review blog site is better to sell amazon affiliate product. you can review product on your review site and in last you can place purchase link of any product. 

Anyone purchased a product after 2 months through my website with Amazon affiliate link then can I get paid

Yes, Visitors able to purchase after 2 months from your affiliate link and you will definitely get paid by amazon . 

Note : if your are not able to sell any product in 3 months your account will inactive .
 you have to activate amazon affiliates account again....
you have to sell minimum 1 product from your affiliate link.
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